Are you an Experimenteur?

Why did I call my business Experimenteur? Well, even though I've started businesses, created new models, won awards for innovation and entrepreneurship, I've never felt like the title of entrepreneur fitted me. In my mind an 'entrepreneur' is someone who…

Not too bad? My challenge to you…

How are you? If your instinctive response is 'not too bad' then this post is for you. I'm hoping it brings you greater energy and happiness. You see, 'Not too bad' is a dismissive response. You're indicating to the person…

The pricing dilemma – premium or luxury?

How do you set price for a high-quality offering? At this end of the product/service spectrum understanding unstated customer need is critical.  Pricing sends a clear message of quality but how do you differentiate between premium and luxury pricing? What…

Merging online and offline experiences

Sitting, relaxing at the edge of the pool on a 40 degree day when; "You're one of those types aren't you?" a friend's daughter asks. I had no idea what she was on about. "You know, you slowly step into…

Are you an entrepreneur or experimenteur?

Why did I call my business Experimenteur? Well, even though I've started new businesses, created new models, won awards for innovation and entrepreneurship, I've never really hit the 'big time', never made the BRW fast 100. In my mind an…

Five key insights on improving Net Promoter Scores

Net Promoter Score or NPS is a big deal in customer experience measurement. Right now it's a critical marker in the banking world.  As banks grapple with how they re-build consumer trust and confidence NPS is being used as a…

NFP’s – you’re selling a service or product – focus on your value

It's time for NFP's to embrace the reality of giving. It's not about the charity, it's about the person giving.  When you focus on the person giving, you start to focus on the value they receive from the transaction. Who…

Struggling with the pace of technology? Drink tea!

Well, it's unanimous then isnt' it? Somewhere between 2007 and today, the world went completely mad. Was it the convergence of financial strain caused by the GFC, a fuelling of fear from hate crimes around the world, the rise in consumption…

Why…Start a New Year’s Revolution!

New Years Resolutions are so 2017! Start 2018 with a New Years Revolution!  Let's talk disruption and the most simple way to positively disrupt your business.  Disruption doesn't need to start with hysteria or an app, it can start with one…